Kenny Fries

Dear Young Disabled Writer and Disabled Writers Not Yet Born,

When I was born in 1960, nobody knew whether I would live or die. When, after four weeks in an incubator, my parents were able to take me home, nobody knew whether I’d be able to walk.

Now, here I am fifty-six years later, alive and, most of the time, still walking.  

You might ask: What does this have to do with the disturbing results of the recent U.S. election? Why is this story important for me to impart to you at this time?

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  • Warning: array_diff(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in FacesExtendable->extend() (line 229 of /media/data0108/sites/177620/web/sites/all/modules/rules/includes/
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The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.