
Your Letter to the Revolution can be funny or serious in tone, but should have an overall positive message.  Most important is to direct the letter to someone you love or care about, or a community you care about, as it will focus your words. It is easy, in times like these, to rant and vent against all that is against us. Let us remember our strengths and amplify those senses within us as we move forward.

​-follow a letter format
-inspire and provide direction to individuals or groups targeted by the incoming administration
-reveal how this upcoming administration affects you
-provide concrete suggestions for taking positive action


Dear __
Write specifically to an individual or group you most want to inspire, or that you’re most concerned about

Describe your reaction when you found out about the new administration
-Where were you?
-How did you feel?

Explain why you reacted that way
-Why did you feel scared/pain/anger as a member of your community
-Context of your anger/sadness/pain

Give specific examples of how you are coping
-Personal, truthful strategies you're developing every day to move forward
-Mental health/survival tips to find strength while facing this new administration (It’s okay if the answer is “I don’t know yet” - we want these messages to be raw, honest, and from the heart!)

Offer concrete suggestions on how to take action
-Encouraging thoughts/practical advice people can use to spark/further their activism

Sign off.

Here are a couple of letters from history to draw inspiration from:
‘Between the world and Me’ - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Letter to my Nephew - James Baldwin
Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Martin Luther King Jr. 

Error | Letters to the Revolution


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